Brazilian Tribes Demarcate Territory in Bid to Block Dams


“The government does not want to demarcate [Sawré Muybu] because it will obstruct the hydroelectric dams that they want to build on our river,” said the Munduruku via a statement translated by International Rivers and Amazon Watch. “Since the government won’t assume its responsibility, we determined to do it ourselves.” ‪

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The Munduruku People of the Brazilian Amazon Fight Back

Munduruku People Fight Back

The Munduruku people of the Brazilian Amazon are fighting back against illegal miners in scenes that recall the Na’vi fighting against the RDA. “You have ten minutes to get out. Get your things, go away, and don’t come back. This is the land of the Munduruku,” Paigomuyatpu, chief of the warriors, said to two of the twelve miners present.”

Read about it HERE.